RecordWebInfo, software solution for storing or archiving web pages for offline access.

RecordWebInfo, software solution for storing or archiving web pages for offline access.

Michael Wagner

5 Jahre
70 Ansichten
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The video shows live a german presentation of RecordWebInfo, a free software for the archiving of web pages, which can be found through a google-similar search and can be displayed again, even if the website has now changed, deleted or perhaps changed the content.

With this software you can archive the beads of the web and ensure that the tutorials, information of any kind persist.

It can also be used prophylactically if there is the danger that the page is deleted because of censorship and can no longer be reached.

For RecordWebInfo there is the possibility to pre-test the software. Use the link:

If you would like to install a server with the software, you can do this because it's under MIT license.
A German guide how to perform the installation can be found at:

Over a thumb up, I would be very happy. Which will also motivate me for the future to publish software.
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